Delta Electric Company

The Delta Electric Company in Marion Indiana produced bicycle accessories for many years. Their most popular product product was headlights. Most bicycle manufacturers chose Delta head lights and tail lights as original equipment on their deluxe bicycles. Some bicycles, such as the Schwinn Phantom even had a built in headlight with parts supplied by Delta. Other Delta products include battery tubes, horns, horn buttons, light switches… just about anything that involved the use of batteries on a bicycle was produced by Delta! One of Delta’s competitors was E.A. Laboratories. Detailed information about the Delta Electric Company will be added here when we are able to do the research. If you know of a source for information or would like to write an article yourself, please let us know!

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Delta Hornlight, mid 1930’s 

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Delta Roadrowdy horn, NOS in the box 

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Delta Signal tail light NOS in the box 

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Delta Defender tail light, very popular and often OEM 

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Delta Roadligher, later model 

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Delta Winner light and Warner horn pair 

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Delta Jet Rocket light, late 50’s 

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Delta Night Master headlight 

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Delta Reflex spotlight, NOS in the box 

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Delta Roadmaster headlight 

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Delta Silver-Ray headlight 

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Delta Stratolight headlight 

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Delta Zeplin horn light 

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Delta Tripple-Lite tail light, NOS