67 Search results

For the term "hawthorne".
Hawthorne Bicycles

Hawthorne Bicycles

Hawthorne was a brand of Montgomery Ward stores. Most Hawthorne bicycles were manufactured by the Cleveland Welding Company or H.P. Snyder (makers of Rollfast bicycles). While Montgomery Ward did not actually manufacture the bicycles that...

Rollfast Bicycles

Rollfast Bicycles

Rollfast bicycles have a long and complex history that has close ties with two different companies. The D.P. Harris Hardware and Manufacturing Company originated the name in the 1890’s, and later teamed up with...

Sears Elgin and J.C. Higgins Bicycles

Sears Elgin and J.C. Higgins Bicycles

The Sears Roebuck and Company was responsible for some of the most outrageous and sought after bicycle designs. The Elgin Bluebird, Robin, Blackhawk, Flightlinger and Spaceliner were all Sears exclusives. Sears primarily used the...