Late 1940’s Schwinn, The World

I just got this ole gal. Driving home from work I saw the springer front end hanging out by a bush near the road. Stopped by and asked about her and they said they were clearing out the place and throwing it out and that I was welcome to it if I wanted it. After I got back up on my feet, I loaded her up. Now I just have to find out exactly what it is. I can’t seem to find another bike like it. Close,,like New World, or older bikes, but just nothing called The world. The serial number puts it pre 47 as pr records at Cabe. Help on this one!! Picture is as found. Missing the drum brake guts, cable and lever, as well as both front springer struts are broken off. So I’d like to replace those and get the drum parts once I figure out exactly what I’ve got here.
By the way, it was gotten from the one owner family
Entry Submitted by Dana Price

