1939 Spring / Summer Spiegel Catalog

These pages were scanned from the 1939 Spring and Summer Spiegel catalog. They show bicycles made by Monark Silver King Inc. and the Shelby Cycle Company. Spiegel’s bikes were brand named Airman.

The first page shows the bikes built by Monark. The most deluxe being the Comet, which is an extremely rare twin-suspension variation of Monark’s Superframe 5-bar model. Only one surviving example of this bike is known to exist, however others surely must be out there. Keep looking! The other Monark built bikes on this page are fairly ordinary with the exception of the unique spring fork used, which features a single horizontal spring.

The second page features bicycles built by Shelby. The Airman World’s Fair model and the Pacemaker are shown. These bikes with the huge Flash-Gordon looking design were some of the most outrageous of their day. Shelby called them the Airflo, and variations between different retailers were few, usually consisting only of a different badge that was mounted to the front fender.

1939 SS Spiegel pg383.jpg

1939 SS Spiegel pg384.jpg