Hiawatha Arrow
This months featured bicycle is a Shelby built Hiawatha “no-nose” Air-Flo. Notice the tank does not extend past the head tube like it does on the standard Airflo bicycles, yet the bike still retains...
This months featured bicycle is a Shelby built Hiawatha “no-nose” Air-Flo. Notice the tank does not extend past the head tube like it does on the standard Airflo bicycles, yet the bike still retains...
Flying Merkel was a motorcycle brand name from the teens, but they also sold a few bicycles. This is the head badge from one of their bicycles. The bicycles were made for them by...
This diagram shows all the major components of an antique or vintage bicycle and labels them. It is important to know the correct terminology when seeking parts for your restoration project.
This is the actual “Deathbike”. There have been several stories as to how this bike earned it’s name and who named it. To the best of our knowledge this bike was so named because...
This is one of Iver Johnson’s first balloon tire bicycles. Equipped with tank, crossbar handlebars, and chrome fenders.
Ray Sinatra and his Cycling Orchestra. Looks like a Silver King Flo-Cycle on display there, plus several other deluxe 1930’s bicycles.
The Delta Electric Company in Marion Indiana produced bicycle accessories for many years. Their most popular product product was headlights. Most bicycle manufacturers chose Delta head lights and tail lights as original equipment on...
Six lovely ladies on their deluxe 1930’s Bicycles. Noteworthy bicycles are, 3rd from the left, Rollfast V-200, far right is a Schwinn Motorbike and just to the left of that is a Schwinn Aerocycle.