67 Search results

For the term "huffman".

1936 Dayton D34E

The Dayton brand was Huffman’s house brand. This Dayton is loaded with cool features! Delta combination horn-headlight with battery tube mounted to the down-tube. Chrome fenders, Delta Defender tail light, New Departure 2-speed hub...

Walt’s Vintage Bicycles

1934 Schwinn Aerocycle, 1935 Elgin Bluebird, 1937 Roadmaster Supreme, 1939 Shelby Airflo, 1940 Huffman Champion, 1941 Mercury “lit tank”. Entry Submitted by walter adams

COLSON   COLUMBIA   DAYTON   ELGIN   HAWTHORNE   HIAWATHA   HUFFMAN  HUFFY   J.C. HIGGINS   MONARK   MURRAY   ROADMASTER   ROLLFAST   SCHWINN   SHELBY   WESTERN FLYER Welcome to Dave’s Vintage Bicycles! Choose your favorite bicycle brand from the list above, or check...