1938 Hawthorne Zep – Ladies Model

This outstanding original 1938 Hawthorne ladies bicycle has its original paint and decals, and features dual Delta Silver-Ray headlights, Wise fork lock, tail light and New Departure front coaster brake. This bike, made by the Cleveland Welding Company, shares many features with the 1937 Roadmaster Supreme. The curved crank arms, curved seat tube, carrier, dual silver-ray headlights and other features are typical of the “Supreme” Model. It is very rare to see this bike with a Hawthorne badge (sold by Montgomery Ward stores).

1938 Hawthorne Zep - Ladies 1 1938 Hawthorne Zep - Ladies 2 1938 Hawthorne Zep - Ladies 3 1938 Hawthorne Zep - Ladies 4 1938 Hawthorne Zep - Ladies 5 1938 Hawthorne Zep - Ladies 6